Greetings from Martinsburg, West Virginia. American Legion Berkeley Post 14 hope you had a good time while here for the 36th Annual Mid Winter Conference. We were honored to be the Host for the American Legion Department of West Virginia. We tried to make your stay here the best it could be. If you were here you noticed our display table in the lobby of the Hotel. This was displays of our Post Scrapbook, History book, Awards, Photos, American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Photos, Scholarship for JRAFROTC, various other items. People seem to like looking at the items on the table. We Hope you enjoyed it. Here is the bad news our Post history book for 2016 came up missing. This book was the one judged at National and finished second. The Post Historian and membership worked very hard on that book and are very proud of it. We would like to have it back. If you mistakenly took the book Please return it to Post 14 or Department Headquarters. If you want to copy the book for reference that is OK but, If you have the book we want it back.
Thank you:
The American Legion Family Berkeley Post 14
Legionnaires – Auxiliary – Son of the American Legion – American Legion Riders